Star anise or star anise traditionally comes from the province of Guangdong in China, so it was natural to choose this spice to its original source. The star anise that is found in stores is often harsh and too strong. On the contrary, our star anise is sweet and brings a licorice aroma to your dishes. This spice is versatile and can go well with savory dishes (chicken, tofu) or desserts and sugary drinks.
Aroma : Liquorice, Fennel, Sweetness
Use : at infuse whole to flavor an Asian soup or a simmered dish. We can also grate and sprinkle a pinch to flavor stir-fried or grilled dishes.
Origin : Guangdong Province, China
Quality : Grade A, Pure
Star Anis
Our products are 100% natural and harvested in the traditional way. It is therefore normal that our peppers and spices are not all calibrated in size and color. These imperfections are due to natural factors such as variations in sun or rain during the season. Our products are not chemically treated.
Our products are packaged away from light and at the ideal temperature for their conservation. We therefore favor sending by mail fast to limit transport time. We thank you for respecting the conservation advice for a better use of our products.